Mindful Eating – 5 Months Later

A few months ago, I shared my journey of beginning to eat more mindfully. I want to update that journey because I believe in being honest, and sharing the truth about the complexity and imperfection of life. During January and February 2020, I was focusing only on eating, not watching videos, listening to audiobooks, readingContinue reading "Mindful Eating – 5 Months Later"

Start with WHY

Before adopting a workout routine of a famous actor, athlete or model, think about what that person's goals were. Was it to look ripped for the 1-hour photoshoot? To look pumped for the 3-months of filming? To kick ass in an elite professional sporting event? 🤔 Or is it to be strong, healthy, move well,Continue reading "Start with WHY"

10 Essential Exercises for Optimal Fitness

Imagine your body is made of clay, with each type and frequency of movement shaping the physical outcome. Take your imaginary body-ball-of-clay through your personal movement timeline, considering your early development, favourite activities, accidents or sports injuries, footwear habits, the desks at school, your favourite couch, and driving posture. Create the 'resultant' shape in yourContinue reading "10 Essential Exercises for Optimal Fitness"

Don’t fear failure. Fear the lack of striving.

In our modern culture of callout, digging up dirt, public shaming, trolling and other secular forms of eternal damnation, the fear of making mistakes can be paralyzing. The fear of failing publicly and the risk of looking foolish to some people, instead of being the 'cost of doing business' of life now prevents us from ever striving.  Nihilism, groupContinue reading "Don’t fear failure. Fear the lack of striving."

Mindful Eating – Eating with People

Hectic week, so just taking this directly from my daily journal: Monday 10/2/20 The transformation continues, it seems. As somebody who used to have a restrictive and bingeing relationship with food, I am in awe of what's happening. I now hardly ever have cravings for junk food. I think it's because my regular meals areContinue reading "Mindful Eating – Eating with People"

Mindful Eating Day 21 – A Cornerstone Habit

There is a type of habit called a 'cornerstone habit'. It is the habit that in addition to its own effect leads to the adoption of other seemingly unrelated habits. Cornerstone habits, just like all habits, can be beneficial or detrimental. The main difference is that a cornerstone habit is 100 times more beneficial orContinue reading "Mindful Eating Day 21 – A Cornerstone Habit"

Mindful Eating Day 3 Realizations

Who knew that when you begin to eat mindfully - i.e. not combine food with entertainment or any other activity - you would eat so much less. Also, since the 'food + entertainment combo' is no longer an available comfort, I am finding myself less comfortable and entertained, and at a loss as to howContinue reading "Mindful Eating Day 3 Realizations"

If it’s Worth Doing, It’s Worth Doing Badly

Failure. Why do we entertain this notion, often presented in movies, that someone who is good at something was exceptional at it from the beginning? We know it is not true! But we still watch the drivel, like the new Star Wars movie, where a girl picks up the lightsaber for the first time andContinue reading "If it’s Worth Doing, It’s Worth Doing Badly"