Kettlebell Christmas Song

Written by our very own David Burgess, a kettlebeller and musician extraordinaire from North Carolina. Sang to Jingle Bells tune. Kettlebells, kettlebells,Swing themho, ho, ho,We may get siesta time,while Kat’s in Mexico, hey,Kettlebells, kettlebells,Without class from Kat,I’ll most likely sit around and eat ‘till I get fat! Snatching, swing and row,And then I’ll lunge andContinue reading "Kettlebell Christmas Song"

Exercises in addition to kettlebell training

A question by Robert Schulz from the USAQ: Do you recommend any other exercises to compliment my KB training?A: Many will depend on your preferences and goals but here are two fundamentals. 1. Walking at least 8,000 steps per day. Walk 8,000 steps per day at the very minimum, before considering any other exercise, evenContinue reading "Exercises in addition to kettlebell training"

Why We Don’t Rush the Swing

Tessa performing one of her first sets of Dead Stop Swings Here's why we don't jump into the swing too fast, but instead go through the whole progression with our beginners. Why we start with Dowel Hinge, then master the deadlift in every variation, then the dead clean and only after all that do weContinue reading "Why We Don’t Rush the Swing"

Kettlebell Swing: Hardstyle vs Girevoy

Girevoy Swing (left) and Hardstyle Swing (right) Q: Can you please clarify the different benefits that accrue from the hardstyle and soft style swings. Which would be better as an exercise?  A: Prefer to watch this answer as a video? Go HERE Hardstyle Swing Hardstyle swing has a movement pattern almost identical to the deadlift,Continue reading "Kettlebell Swing: Hardstyle vs Girevoy"

Q: What Pace Makes Sense for a 10 min set of Girevoy Jerk?

Q: What Pace Makes Sense for a 10 min set of Girevoy Jerk? (A question by Andi Baumann) A. Hi Andi, Great question!How many reps of Jerk one should aim for in a minute during a 10 min Girevoy Competition set? You should be in the approximate range of 90-180 reps total. Under 90 isContinue reading "Q: What Pace Makes Sense for a 10 min set of Girevoy Jerk?"

Leaning Back in Kettlebell Jerk

Q: I've sometimes seen people bend back as they do their jerks. Should you ever bend backwards as you do these movements? (Finney Raju) A: Hi Finney, Great question! The thoracic extension can indeed happen when you drive the Kettlebell off the rack, it's more commonly used in Girevoy sport because Girevoy athletes develop greatContinue reading "Leaning Back in Kettlebell Jerk"

How to OWN your Kettlebell for better TGU

Q: I have an imbalance in TGU. My right side is far behind technique wise. Strange, because my stronger arm is the right arm. The initial roll to elbow is tough. I CAN do the Get Up with 32kg on both sides but it looks and feels bad. Probably have to stick with 24kg forContinue reading "How to OWN your Kettlebell for better TGU"

Bent Elbow At Top of Swing

During the swing, the elbows are relaxed. Thus they might bend passively at the top. Q:Why do your elbows look bent at the top of the swing? Shouldn't they be straight?A:No. The elbows shouldn't be actively straightened during swings. Neither should they be actively bent.The elbows should be RELAXED during swings. My elbows might seemContinue reading "Bent Elbow At Top of Swing"

Can I turn out my toes in kettlebell swing?

Question: 'When we adopt a squat stance, we can play around with the width of our stance and turnout of our feet, depending on individual hip structure and the upright torso requirement (Goblet, Front or Overhead Squats have different requirements when it comes to upright torso position, thus the stance for them will be different).Continue reading "Can I turn out my toes in kettlebell swing?"